Application Process
Please use Google Chrome as the preferred web browser.
Follow these easy steps to complete the application and registration process.
Step 1: Upload your documents
All applications must be submitted via our STASY portal. Please click on your campus of interest to get started.
You will be required to upload at least one the following documents during the application process for both the student and the parent/ guardian, please have these ready.
ID Copy
Birth Certificate Copy
Passport Copy
Parent / Guardian
ID Copy
Passport Copy
When uploading the required documents to your application, please note that the maximum file size for upload is 2 MB. Should you need to reduce the size of your files, you can access these resources:
Reducing the size of a PDF document or Reducing an image file.
Step 2: Pay the application fee
When submitting your application, you will be required to pay an online application fee. Please ensure that you have registered for the Online Payments – 3D Secure service with your bank before making payment.
Not being registered for this service will result in an unsuccessful application.
Step 3: Pay the enrolment fees
Once the offer letter has been accepted, you will be required to pay the enrolment fee online via the PayU gateway.
For application and enrolment fees, click on your campus of interest below:
Step 4: An email and SMS will be sent to you with your unique student SD number
Step 5: Pay the tuition fees
Tuition fees must be paid via EFT to the account details stated below.
Please use the student SD number as reference for your payment.
Bank: ABSA
Account name: Crawford International
Account number: 4070426820
Branch code: 505705
Account type: Cheque
Reference: Student SD number
Technical Support
EXISTING STUDENTS: Please note that you only need to submit an enquiry or application if your child is not already enrolled at an AdvTech school. If you are intending to transfer between schools or progress to a new phase please contact the school directly as you are not expected to pay an application fee for this move. NEW ENQUIRIES AND APPLICATIONS: For technical support for your enquiry or application please contact