Karabo Molokomme • September 2, 2023
Being part of a family is far more than sharing a surname, a house, parents, or other siblings. Being part of a family is a feeling of belonging and having connections that other “outside” people may not understand. To get our family connections stronger, we simply need to spend more time doing things as a family.
According to the Family Research Council in the USA, the average family spends just 37 minutes a day with each other and often those minutes are not quality interactions. So how do we make meaningful connections? We create meaningful family traditions!
Family Traditions can be long-standing, passing from generation to generation, from great-grandparents all the way down to grandchildren. We call these traditions ‘Legacy Traditions’. While Legacy traditions are very special, it’s also never too late to create a new family tradition – and if it’s good enough then it will one day become a Legacy Tradition.
Very apt, as we move into Spring! No matter where you are, if you are alone or together, no matter the weather, or the temperature, do a Spring Day Swim for the family. Okay, we hear you; September can be super-cool so maybe it doesn’t necessarily have to be a SWIM. Maybe it could be watered down dunk-and-run. Just make sure you all do it, preferably together, but at least documented. Do the count down to the jump, laugh, and freeze together followed by a shower and a hot chocolate! You can start this tradition today.
Every month-end, or start of the following month, create a family ‘Pay Day Family Feast’ tradition. Each family member gets to choose a restaurant to try, and on payday you all go out to eat together. It’s possible you may end up at MacDonald’s one month, and at Marble the next – it all depends on whose turn it is to choose. This will be something the family looks forward to and a way to keep you all connected, even when the kids have grown and left home.
Vacations are nice, but vacations with a challenge or a purpose build connection. An idea for a family challenge is the Whale Trail - a 58km, 5-day hike in the Western Cape. Climb up the mountains, walk along the beach, stay in 12-man huts, make fires, braai, climb rocks, pick shells, swim in the rivers, build memories and laugh a lot! Achieve the accolade of finishing the hike as a family and then immediately book the next Family Challenge for the following year – non-negotiable. This is not confined to hiking, it could also be an Open Water Swim event, The Midmar Mile, The Two Oceans marathon, or an annual music concert.
Read our article on why traveling as a family is important.
Every year in December, have a photo book printed for the family. The book should be of picture of everyone and your activities from the past year. Each person in the family can choose some of their favourite pictures or can send some choices on the family group to be included in the yearbook. And every year, each family member must sign the front cover with a note for the year. Something to be cherished forever.
Sometimes, overcomplicating traditions can lead to family stress… we don’t want stress! Keep it simple. You can even do a basic bake day. Once a month, perhaps on the last Sunday of the month, do a family bake morning with the kids. Choose a recipe, get the ingredients, and then make the special treat for breakfast or Sunday tea. Families who bake together, stay together – remember that as you munch on a crumpet.
Birthdays are not just important to the birthday boy or girl; when you are in family birthdays are also important to the whole family. So why not introduce a birthday tradition to make things even more special. Try birthday balloons to fill a room when they wake up. A birthday crown and sash on their breakfast plate? A ‘Gift Hunt’ with written clues for them to find their birthday gift? A Birthday pie-in-the-face perhaps? A choreographed birthday dance by the whole family for the birthday person. The options here are endless. But whatever you choose, make it yours… a family tradition of fun forever.
Below are some links to websites that can inspire you to create some other fun family traditions. Enjoy!