April 25, 2024
Surprise Reader in Grade 00
In celebration of book week, Grade 00R were lucky enough to have two surprise readers in our class.
"The Go-Away Bird" was our first story for the day. Florence's mother shared the special significance this book has to their family. When their family relocated to South Africa, it was gifted to them by their sponsor, as a warm welcome gesture. With a shared passion for birds, they've enjoyed discovering the diverse avian species of South Africa through its pages.
In addition to "The Go-Away Bird," our second reader was Mambo's mother, who delighted us with her favourite story, "The Three Little Pigs." She expressed her fondness for the interactive nature of the fairytale, as it allows her children to actively participate in the storytelling process.
A heartfelt thank you to both of our readers for the surprises. We enjoyed listening to these charming stories and appreciate the time and effort they put into sharing them with us.
Surprise Reader in Grade 2
Mrs Kalayvani Pillay was the surprise visitor for the Grade 2’s. She read Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson is a story about a kind Witch and her cat who get caught in a storm while flying around on her broom. The Witch assists many animals on her way by giving them room in her broom. These animals save the Witch from the Big Bad Dragon to return the kindness she showed them. Kindness is always paid back with Kindness.
Surprise Reader in Grade 7
Today was also particularly special because our class parent, Mrs Ugwu, joined us as a guest reader. She read from her daughter Ada's book, The Duck Who Thought It Couldn't Swim. Ada wrote this book when she was just 9 years old and had it published while she was in Grade 4 at our school. The story has a beautiful message about courage.
After the reading, our students asked Mrs Ugwu some thoughtful questions. They queried about Ada's reading habits, how Mrs Ugwu encouraged reading at home, and when she first noticed Ada's talent for writing. Mrs Ugwu shared insightful answers and encouraged the students to always have a book nearby and never be without something interesting to read. She left everyone feeling inspired, both by Ada's story and by the value of reading.
As we continue with the excitement of Book Week activities, We look forward to seeing everyone engage with their personal books and share their enthusiasm for reading.
Discovery Camp Soccer Tournament
Soccer, or football as it's known in most parts of the world, is more than just a game; it's a passion, a culture, and a way of life for millions of people globally. For young children, soccer represents an opportunity not only to have fun and stay active but also to learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. In primary school, soccer can play a crucial role in shaping a child's physical and social development. Between the 12th and 14th of April 2024 Crawford International Pretoria took part in the biggest Primary School soccer tournament in Africa at Camp Discovery. Being one of thirteen schools and two of sixty-four teams in total from all over the country and countries such as Zimbabwe and Zambia our U11 soccer boys came out on top and lifted the trophy as champions for their age group. The U13 soccer boys unfortunately fell out in the knockout stages of the quarter finals, but showed guts, ferocity, and determination to overcome immense obstacles throughout a tough tournament.
Korean Culture Experience
Our recently students took a trip to visit the Korean Department of Arts and Culture in Brooklyn, exploring Korean heritage on Friday, the 19th of March. This educational excursion encompassed various facets of Korean culture, such as their culinary delights, traditional dances, and artworks. The art teacher curated this experience with the hope of sparking the students' imagination and a deeper connection with artistic expression.